The process of raising funds or capital for any kind of expenditure. Consumers, Business Firms, and Governments often do not have the funds available to make expenditures, pay their debts, or complete other transactions and must borrow or sell equity to obtain the money they need to conduct their operations.
- Acquisitions and Mergers, co-Investments, Partnerships.
- Factoring, Accounts-Receivable Financing.
- Brokering Investments for Equipments and Special Projects.
- Finance Capital Equipment and Special Projects over US$250,000.00 with no maximum amount.
- Emphasize rapid turn around in Finance Applications due to an Extensive Network of funding source.
- Increase substantially cash flow and International sales.
- Supply immediate cash for outstanding International account receivables.
- Provide unlimited financing through the Purchase/Sale of International account receivables.
- Furnish credit checking and monitoring of International clients free of charge.